zvezdice / little stars

Letos smo se potrudili z novoletnimi okraski. V dnevni sobi smo postavili novoletno jelko in jaslice. Moja hči je nora na lučke. V hodniku pa smo postavili vejo z zvezdicami. Majhne zvezdice sem skvačkala in jim dodala perlico. Spekli smo tudi piškote, večinoma zvezdice.

Danes je oblačno in se tistih pravih zvezdic ne vidi. Kljub temu jim lahko zaupamo naše želje. Vesel Božič! 

We decorated a New Year tree and set up a Christmas crib. My daughter adores small lights on New Year tree. We also put a small tree branch in our hallway and decorated it with little crocheted stars. Children baked some biscuits in the shape of a star. 

It is cloudy today and we can't see stars in the sky. Anyway we can trust them our wishes. Marry Christmas to all!


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